【Basic 5】Greetings 2(いってきます・いってらっしゃい/ただいま・おかえりなさい/いただきます・ごちそうさまでした)
What you can study with this video In this video, you can practice greetings when you go out, when you come home, and when you eat. I pronounce those phrases twice slowly and once at a normal speed. Let's say it after me. When you eat, if you can say "Itadakimasu" and "Gochisosama desatama", Japanese people are very happy (^^).
【Basic 2】Greetings(あいさつ:おはようございます/こんにちは/こんばんは/おやすみなさい)
What you can study with this video. In this video, you can practice basic Japanese greetings such as "Ohayo gozaimasu" (Good morning), "Konbanwa" (Good evening), and "Oyasumi gozaimasu" (Good night) as if you were in a school class. Let's say it after me!