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Blue Impulse drew the Olympic symbol over Tokyo for the first time in 57 years!
To commemorate the opening of the Tokyo Olympics on July 23, 2021, the Japan Air Self-Defense Force's Blue Impulse exhibited and flew over Tokyo, drawing the Olympic symbol over Tokyo for the first time in 57 years since the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. This is a video of it.
2021/6/22 Can you read?, Diary, Hiragana, Katakana
私はTシャツを作りました みなさんこんにちは! お元気ですか? 私はTシャツをつくりました。 見てください。 「ひらがな」と「カタカナ」が書いてあるTシャツです。
Super basic lesson videos link collection
If you want to watch the basics from the beginning, please check here!
I am looking for sponsors to create Japanese lesson videos.(スポンサー募集中)
2021/9/12 Donate
This site is free. But I am looking for sponsors to create videos. I would like to create a website where people from all over the world can study Japanese online anytime, anywhere. However, I am single and I have to work. Therefore, I have no more time to make videos. But I want to make a video. So I need your help.
Private Lesson Menu(プライベートレッスンメニュー)
2022/6/25 advanced, Free Talk, high-level, Hiragara, Kanji, Kateakana, Private Lesson, Speech
直接話すプライベートレッスンがあります。 あなたはこの日本語がよめますね! すばらしいです。 これは日本語上級者向けのメニューです。(This is a menu for advanced Japanese speakers.) 日本語がもっとうまくなりたい方は、以下のメニューがあります。
【Basic 5】Greetings 2(いってきます・いってらっしゃい/ただいま・おかえりなさい/いただきます・ごちそうさまでした)
What you can study with this video In this video, you can practice greetings when you go out, when you come home, and when you eat. I pronounce those phrases twice slowly and once at a normal speed. Let's say it after me. When you eat, if you can say "Itadakimasu" and "Gochisosama desatama", Japanese people are very happy (^^).
【Basic 4】11 phrases used in the classroom(教室で使うフレーズ 2)
What you can study with this video. In this video, you will learn 11 phrases that teachers often say to their students in the classroom. It is OK if you cannot say these phrases. But if you can watch this video and understand them, it'll come in handy to know what the teacher is telling you!
【Basic 3】 14 nouns used in the classroom(教室で使う名詞:きょうかしょ)
What you can study with this video. In this video, you will learn 14 nouns that are commonly used objects in the classroom. Once you learn these phrases, it will be easier for you to converse with your teacher and classmates. I pronounce those nouns twice slowly and once at a normal speed. Let's say it after me.
【Basic 0】Phrases used in the classroom(教室で使う言葉:きょうは これを べんきょうします。)
What you can study with this video. In this video, you will learn common phrases that teachers say to their students in the classroom, such as "Today, we will study this. " and other phrases that teachers often say to their students in the classroom. It is also recommended to watch this video before entering a Japanese language school. If you can understand the teacher's phrases, you will enjoy the class.
【Basic 2】Greetings(あいさつ:おはようございます/こんにちは/こんばんは/おやすみなさい)
What you can study with this video. In this video, you can practice basic Japanese greetings such as "Ohayo gozaimasu" (Good morning), "Konbanwa" (Good evening), and "Oyasumi gozaimasu" (Good night) as if you were in a school class. Let's say it after me!